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Saffron belongs to the iris family, and has had a plethora of uses throughout millennia. As far back as the writings of Galen and Hippocrates, saffron was mentio
ned as a medical treatment for coughs, colds, stomach ailments, insomnia, uterine bleeding, scarlet fever, heart trouble, and flatulence.
Naturally, one of saffron’s first uses may have been for dyeing textiles, since a single grain can color 10 gallons of water with a distinctive yellow hue. More than a grain is used, however, to color the bright orange robes worn by Buddhist priests in India. Three wispy saffron "threads" can be gleaned from each delicate crocus, which, ironically, is lavender-purple in color.
As a spice, saffron is known for what it does to energize dishes with a pungent, earthy essence.  It's an ingredient used in Sweden, England, the U.S., and France, not to mention the countries where, collectively, around 50 tons are grown every year: Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Israel, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Spain, and Turkey. The commercial cost is about 50 million dollars, so it's a good thing saffron can remain fresh in an airtight container for several years.
Why so expensive, you may ask? Because the cultivation and harvest is still performed as it was since ancient times: by hand. Elderly village women are usually set on this task of removing the saffron "threads." It takes 4,500 crocus flowers to make up one ounce of saffron spice.
Of course, the high cost is a magnet for pretenders, who hawk saffron wannabes derived from substances other than the crocus flower. Indian safflower or compositae is one of them, a paler red version sometimes masquerading as the real thing.
It's been suggested that buying saffron at your local supermarket might not yield the freshest product. A better option might be obtaining it from an ethnic specialty grocery store. But make sure it's actually saffron you purchase, because another affectation is "meadow saffron" (Colchicum autumnale), which, although used as a medicine, can be quite toxic, so it should be strictly avoided.

Health Benefits of Saffron

It must be noted that no one will eat an ounce of saffron in one sitting; recipes usually call for half a teaspoon or less, but examining an ounce is a good way to determine the nutritional aspects of this intriguing spice. First, the manganese content is off the charts at nearly 400% of the daily recommended value! Everything else seems a little chintzy after that, but the next-largest nutritional quantities also are quite impressive: vitamin C - 38%; magnesium - 18%; and iron - 17%. Potassium and vitamin B6 both impart 14% of the daily recommended value.
Manganese helps regulate blood sugar, metabolize carbohydrates, and absorb calcium. It also helps form tissues, bones, and sex hormones. Vitamin C is an infection fighter; iron purifies your blood; and the vitamin B6 content helps form red blood cells and assures nerves will function as they should. Potassium helps balance fluids in cells, which, if low, can cause painful muscle cramps.
Beyond that, saffron contains more than 150 volatile compounds, among others. Picrocrocin, for instance, is the main substance responsible for the strong taste. Safranal brings saffron its characteristic odor and fragrance. Crocin, which delivers the intense orange color, is an indication of this spice's medicinal qualities, i.e. its powerful carotenoids and antioxidants that can protect your body from free radical damage.

Saffron Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 tbsp (2 grams)
Amt. Per 
% Daily 
Calories from Fat1
Total Fat0 g0%
Saturated Fat0 g0%
Trans Fat
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Sodium3 mg0%
Total Carbohydrates1 g0%
Dietary Fiber0 g0%
Protein0 g
Vitamin A0%Vitamin C3%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Studies on Saffron

Saffron extract has been shown to be capable of inhibiting and/or retarding the growth of tumors in a variety of experimental models in vivo. A topical application inhibited second-stage skin cancer, and oral administration of saffron extract restricted soft tissue sarcomas and inhibited tumor cell growth in mice. Several studies combined indicated that saffron also may be a promising agent for reducing the side effects from cisplatin (an early, often used cancer drug), including nephrotoxicity (toxicity in the kidneys).
In another study, saffron was examined for its effects on aluminum toxicity and found to significantly reverse harmful aluminum-induced symptoms, such as memory loss and neurological disorders. Saffron extracts improved lipid peroxidation (important for inhibiting diseases in the body) and glutathione levels, which function in the destruction of free radicals. Scientists concluded that saffron has "neuroprotective potential under toxicity.”


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

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ما هي الفوائد البيئية من الزراعة العضوية؟

الاستدامة في المدى الطويل - الكثير من التغييرات الملاحظة في البيئة تعتبر طويلة الأجل وتحدث ببطء بمرور الوقت. وتدرس الزراعة العضوية التأثيرات المتوسطة والطويلة الأجل للتدخلات الزراعية على النظم الايكولوجية الزراعية. وتهدف إلى إنتاج الأغذية مع إيجاد توازن أيكولوجي لتلافي مشكلات خصوبة التربة والآفات. وتتخذ الزراعة العضوية منهجا استباقي في مواجهة معالجة المشكلات بعد ظهورها. التربة – تعتبر أساليب بناء التربة مثل الدورات المحصولية والزراعة البيئية، وارتباطات تكافلية ومحاصيل التغطية، والأسمدة العضوية إذ أنها تشجع حيوانات ونباتات التربة وتحسين من تكوين التربة وقوامها وأقامة نظم أكثر استقرارا. وفي المقابل يزداد دوران المغذيات والطاقة وخصائص التربة في الاحتفاظ بالمغذيات والمياه، والتعويض عن عدم استخدام الأسمدة المعدنية. ويمكن أن تضطلع تقنيات الإدارة بدور هام في مكافحة تعرية التربة. ويتناقص طول الوقت الذي تتعرض فيه التربة لقوى التعرية، ويزداد التنوع البيولوجي للتربة، وتقل خسائر المغذيات مما يساعد على المحافظة على إنتاجية التربة وتعزيزها. ويتم عادة تعويض ما تفقده التربة من مغذيات من موارد متجددة

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